Minerals In addition to being rich in water and food, the land of Canaan is also abundant in minerals. Deuteronomy 8:9 declares that it is a land whose stones are iron, and from whose mountains you can mine copper. The stones are for building, while the iron and copper are for producing weapons of warfare (Gen. 4:22; Deut. 33:25; 1 Sam. 17:5-7; Psa. 2:9). When a believer in Christ has grown to maturity by experiencing Christ in each of the aspects of the good land, he can then become useful to the Lord, both in His building work and in the spiritual warfare. The Lords desire is that we would progress from the stage of simply taking Him as our supply and satisfaction to the stage where we are also able, by means of His supply, to fight the spiritual battle for His building work and His kingdom.
After entering the good land and enjoying its riches the children of Israel eventually built the temple of God and the city of God, Jerusalem. The issue of our experience of Christ in so many aspects is Gods dwelling place and Gods kingdom. May the Lord bring us all on in our experience of Him until He is able to attain His goal of building for His kingdom. What a Christ we have! We have seen from just a few verses in the book of Deuteronomy so many aspects of Christ in typology for us to experience. As an all-inclusive type of Christ, the good land beckons us to explore all of its wealth. May we endeavor to know Christ in His spaciousness and ascendancy and to partake of all the riches of Christ portrayed in the water, food and minerals. (Witness Lee, All-Inclusive Christ, 70-83) As Caleb spoke of the good land having seen its riches, Let us go up at once and possess it; for we are well able (Num. 13:30).
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