
The ultimate goal of Christ’s earthly ministry in His human living was to die on the cross for the redemption of man. Thus, when John the Baptist first introduced the Lord Jesus he called Him “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Christ’s death on the cross satisfied all the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness and glory. Therefore, Christ was the fulfillment of each of the Old Testament offerings, which enabled God’s people to remain in fellowship with Him. Thank the Lord that He willingly gave Himself up for the remission of our sins.

Christ was lifted up on the cross on our behalf as a brass serpent.


In redemption Christ is also referred to Himself as the brass serpent (John 3:14), applying to Himself in His redemptive work the type of the brass serpent that was lifted up by Moses in the wilderness (Num. 21:4-9). In that account, the children of Israel had rebelled against God and were judged with fiery serpents causing many to die. When the people confessed and repented, God provided an unusual means of salvation. He told Moses to make a serpent of brass and mount it on a pole. Everyone who looked at the brass serpent would live. Significantly, the brass serpent made by Moses had the form of the fiery serpents, but did not have the element of poison within. In like manner, all of mankind has been “bitten” by the ancient serpent, the devil. At the time of man’s fall, Satan’s poisonous nature of sin was injected into man. Nevertheless, God has provided a unique way of salvation. Christ was lifted up on the cross on our behalf as a brass serpent. He had the likeness of the flesh of sin (Rom. 8:3), but He did not have the poisonous nature of sin. When we “look” at Christ, that is, when we believe into Him, we are saved from both the poisonous sin nature and from death. Through His crucifixion in the form of a serpent, the Lord Jesus also dealt with Satan. He crushed the head of the serpent (Gen 3:15), judged the ruler of the world (John 12:31) and destroyed the devil (Heb. 2:14). Praise the Lord that in His wonderful redemptive crucifixion He is not only the Lamb of God, but also the brass serpent! (Witness Lee, Conclusion, 306-307)

According to Ephesians 2:15 Christ is also the Peacemaker. He died on the cross to abolish all the ordinances that divide men. Specifically, He broke down the wall of enmity that separated the Jews from the Gentiles, thus creating in Himself one new man. Therefore, Christ not only solved all of the problems between man and God, but He also dealt with all of the factors of division among men so that there could be peace in His Body, the church. Without Christ as the Peacemaker how could people from completely different cultures, races, social statuses and levels of education be one? It is only by remaining in the reality of Christ’s all-inclusive death that His believers are kept in harmony. In His triumphant death Christ took away sin, destroyed the devil and made peace between men. (Witness Lee, Conclusion, 308-310)

The Godhead | The Divine economy | Creation | Incarnation
Human living | Crucifixion | Salvation | Resurrection
Ascension | His Return | The Millennial Kingdom
Eternity in the New Jerusalem | Hymn | Various Aspects